Friday, March 19, 2010

Pray With Me

This post has been forming in my head for several days. I often find it difficult to get enough time to sit and write a post that makes any sense!

As a mother that has lost a child, I have found many women here in the blogging community that have walked a similar path. I have also encountered many women IRL( in real life)that have lost a child.

At Faith's Service, I had two women that came up to me and shared their experiences with me. I had no idea that they hade walked this path. I could still see the pain in their eyes as they shared their stories with tears rolling down their cheeks. For one of them their loss happened probably over 50 years ago.

Losing a child is a painful experience. I felt like someone reached in and ripped my heart right out of my chest.The pain is not quite so raw anymore, but I am sure that it will never totally go away. I guess I do not want it to totally go away so that I will always remember her.

Before I started blogging, I was reading blogs that dealt with the loss of a child. My heart ached for these people and I had no idea that I would become one of them.

At times I have become overwhelmed with the number of women that have lost a child. I have often wondered if more women are losing babies these days, but I have come to the realization that due to advanced technology, we have instant access to information from all over the world.

I am still overwhelmed by the numbers and my heart is broken. I believe that Satan is trying to steal, kill, and destroy what God has created. I believe that there is an attack on unborn babies. .

I fervently believe that pregnant women and their unborn babies need to be kept in prayer. I believe that God laid this on my heart and this is how the Pregnancy Prayer List got started here on my blog.

Let me be the first to say that I am no one special, and I am not a perfect person. I am just a willing vessel.I strive to be more like Jesus everyday and honor Him in all I do. Believe me, I do fail tremendously!

God does not always answer our prayers in the way we expect, but I will continue to pray.

One example is of a precious mother that asked to be put on the Pregnancy Prayer List only to have a miscarriage a few days later. Would you please pray for her? This is her third loss in just a few months. She really needs to be lifted up at this time.

There are mother's on the Pregnancy Prayer List now that have experienced loss before. There are some that are expecting their Rainbow babies. With this brings new hope, but also I am sure it brings along a certain amount of anxiety. They too could use your prayers right now! I pray as they go through their pregnancies that that God will give them healthy full term babies. I also pray that they can lean on Him and He will bring them peace and comfort along the way.

At least one of the ladies on the list is expecting their first child. There comes great excitement and expectation with your first. She could use you prayers too.

With each one of these women I also pray that God will supply all their needs. That He will Bless them abundantly and bring resources that they did not know even existed!

There have been a couple of women that have said that they would pray for these ladies along with me. Would you please consider taking time in your busy life and pray for these dear ladies? I know that they would appreciate it and it would mean a lot to me as well.

Please remember that if you are pregnant or know someone who is and would like to be added to the list, please leave a comment or email me at . If you would like for me to pray for you but not be added to the list on the blog, I would be honored to do that also.

May God richly bless each of you!

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Here is a collage I created to honor Faith. I have been playing around with Picasa trying to learn how to use it and this is what I came up with.



Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

I love Faith's collage...and I love your heart for these women. I will pray with you, dear sister...

Love to you...

trennia said...

I love Faith's collage too!

Caroline said...

I just love it so great !!!

GammySel said...

The pain of loss is never easy to endure but it reminds us we are in a fallen world. Some day all things will be made new.. I look forward to those days!

May our Lord Jesus shine his face upon us to give us grace, and strength

Susan said...

Karen , thank you for praying for all of us women who are carrying a child right now or who have lost a child too soon.

I too believ that the Devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy the christian family. I go to a church with many large families and the older women cannot believe how many women are losing their babies. Lots of us are in our mid thirties so it really isn't our age. I have felt compelled to pray for protection over my womb before i even conceive. I am also praying that the Lord would give me contentment throught this time.
Thank you for being a prayer warrior.

Ange said...


God has truly given you a special ministry here in praying for pregnant women. I totally agree with you about the enemy's plot to kill, steal and destroy. Thank you for being faithful with what you started here Karen. I will always be grateful for the prayers that went up for me as I was carrying the twins! Thank you!!

May the Lord continue to bless you and expand your vision. I believe God will help you reach more and more women as you keep pressing forward in this. I admit I am so busy with the babies and the rest of my family that I am not able to visit your blog as often.However, I am stopping now to lift up all of these precious mothers and their babies. And I am lifting you up in prayer also!

I appreciate you Karen!!


Holly said...

I love Faith's collage. It's beautiful!

Thank you for having the prayer list. I know that the prayers are working! Our rainbow is doing great!