Wow! It has been a long time since I have posted a regular post here. The summer brought about a great deal of activity and kept us pretty busy.
The activity started in May. The Children's Pastor from our church was co-writer/ co-director of a movie that will probably come out next year. It was filmed in Kentucky and my kids had a chance to participate.
First, our six youngest and I were extras in a wedding scene. We had to wake up really early and drive about an hour away to get to the filming location. It was an incredibly long day. Being an extra calls for sitting around for a lot of hours and having a great deal of patience. Our son Josh was an intern on the set, so it gave him wonderful experience for his future. Josh is going to school studying Media Communications and plans to make movies. Josh's fiance, Jillian, joined us that day and sure made they day a whole lot more fun!
The following week we spent three days at a school so the kids could be extras in scenes there.They were long days, but the kids enjoyed having their chance of being in a movie. I think it can be more tiring just sitting around not doing much than actually spending you time doing something.
This is a Christian Movie and I really believe that it is really going to be awesome! I cannot wait until it comes out. My children will probably been seen a little bit. Micah was in a classroom scene and I think that there will be a shot of him sitting at a desk. He and the rest of the kids also participated in hallway scenes and on the playground. It will be fun to see if we will see them.
June rolled around and that started Musical rehearsals at our Church. This was the sixth Summer our kids spent a great deal of their summer doing a musical. Our Children's pastor was responsible for this as well. He wrote the script with his sister. Each year the musical is about a character from the Bible.
Micah is a tourist in this scene. He is the one with the blue visor. |
Here is Micah in the basic costume, singing and dancing. |
This is the only picture I have of Anna right now. She took this with her ipod. I hope that someone else has pictures of here that they can share with me. |
Each year the musicals have grown and grown and so many kids have become involved that they had to make two musicals. One for the older kids (7th -12th grade) and one for the younger kids ( K-6th grade). This year was Ruth for the younger kids and Rahab for the older kids. This year brought on a new adventure because so many kids were participating. They divided the older kids into two different casts! It turned out well because it allowed so many more kids to get parts.
Since I had 2 kids in Ruth and 3 in Rahab, this required a lot of back and forth to our church which happens to be about a 45 minute drive. Yes, it was crazy, but it was worth it in the long run. The performances started about mid August. Ruth gave two performances and each Rahab cast gave 2 performances. We had to be at every performance since Tori had to sing in both casts and Matthew helped with the Lights during the other cast's performances.
Matthew and Samuel are in the Roman Guard Costumes. They are characters named Diamedes and Ulysses.
Matthew by his "drum". This year they did a really cool stomp routine using buckets, trash cans and some other things! It was really cool! They did an amazing job!
Tori's character was a set builder. She's too pretty to be a guy, don't you think? |
Here is Tori with some of her good friends. |
Samuel with our Children's Pastor. |
I must share that these are not just any ole church plays. There is tremendous quality associated with them. From the writing, acting, to the singing, to the choreography, to set design. Everything is truly amazing!.
On a somewhat sad note, our Children's Pastor has since resigned to take a job to make more Christian movies full time! He is such a talented man and I pray that God will use him mightily for His Kingdom! We are going to miss him terribly but at the same time, we are excited to see what God is going to do through him.
In July, we did mange to sneak in a visit to visit my mom and extended family in Virginia. It was so great to spend time with family and I wish we could visit there more often.
The public schools in our area started in mid August. We did not end up starting until the day after labor day. We had spent so many evenings at church for dress rehearsals and performances that it just made more sense to wait. We are finally falling back into the groove of things. It kind of feels good to be back into a regular routine, but Summer is always welcome back any time!
Well, that is all for now. I hope to be back real soon with more!
Have an Awesome Monday!