Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

The past few days have been amazing. It has been getting warmer and the Sun has been shining! Oh how I love the sunshine! Today it is suppose to be Sunny and the high of 66! I am thrilled. Spring must be coming soon!

Some of the children have been doing their schoolwork outside. They just can't get enough of this weather either! They have been working hard at getting everything done so that they can spend the rest of the day outside playing. This is a win-win situation for all of us!

You would think it was Summer here with these kids wearing shorts and sandals and some are even barefoot!  Even as I am typing this, the clouds are moving in. There is a chance of rain tomorrow and by the weekend it is suppose to be a bit cooler! It was fun while it lasted, but Spring can't be too far away!

This morning I took my son Josh to get his braces off. He was more than ready! We have been through  a lot with Josh and his braces. They actually removed his braces several months ago. After seeing his teeth with the braces off I was not happy with the results.  They ended up putting the top braces back on. This ortho kept saying just a few more weeks. He kept wanting to schedule the removal of the braces but I kept seeing something I thought needed to be fixed. He always agreed with me and told me I had a good eye. Well, he is the orthodontist so why doesn't he have a good eye?  Josh does not seem to even care. Well after spending that much money, I care a lot!

 Josh Before:

Josh After:

Josh  does not often cooperate with getting his picture taken, so this is the best I have!

Nothing really new here. I am better now, but just can't quite seem to shake this run down feeling. I am hoping that getting some sunshine will help that a bit.

Lately it seems as though I feel like I am going backwards on my journey of grief after losing Faith. I miss her so much and have been reliving the painful memories. The times like when we learned of her hypoplastic left heart, the night we found out there was no heartbeat, and the day she was born.  It can be truly painful remembering these times. God has been faithful to carry us through, to bring us comfort and healing. I lean on Him now as I am going through this phase of grieving. I know He will see me through and I look forward to being on the other side.

I have participated in Walking With You hosted by Kelly Gerken from Sufficient Grace Ministries for a while. Right now they are going through the Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy Bible Study.  I am reading along with them and reading each of their posts. I am struggling to find the time to put my thoughts together to post each week on this study. I have found it helpful though to read the study and the other ladies posts. If you are a Mother that has lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death I encourage you to read along. You can download this study for free from the link above. The Walking With You posts can be found here.

Have an Awesome Day!



September said...


It has been forever since I have stopped by.. and I am so glad I was able to make it over here tonight.. this sunny weather brings out the more "social," side of me. lol...
My children were rushing to finish their school today also, to get out that door! I think we hit a record for time!
I am praying for you. I think of you often, and so glad to see you are participating in Kelly's Walking with You.

Gottjoy! said...

I typed a long comment, but Google ate it up. It has been doing that to me a lot lately...I need to probably check into that...

Thank you for leaving such encouraging words on my blog. It really means a lot. I think the changing in the seasons bubble up new grieving emotions.

And I am doing that Threads study online. I am pleased on how Biblically based it seems to be and really digs into what the Scriptures say.

Take care of yourself, dear one...

Caroline said...

Glad to hear you have been having some nice days. I'm so ready for it. Our weather has been jumping all over lately but this weekend looks good.
I started last week with the Bible Study walking with you but didn't get it up til late. I may wait til this Thursday to join in the next one. I have enjoyed it so far. So hard to get all my feelings down. Take care and loved your pictures.


Ange said...

Karen, It has been so long since I have visited your blog. Seems like I may be able to start getting back into the swing of things at least somewhat. I am happy I stopped by this morning.You are always in my thoughts and prayers.So sorry to hear that you are struggling...wish I could give you a hug. But I am happy that you all are enjoying the weather. I think having spring in the air is always a reminder from God that there is always hope, for the HOPE of glory lives within our hearts no matter rain or shine! thank you for always being so honest and transparent with your feelings. It is one of the things I love most about you!


Susan said...

It is so wonderful to see children out playing in the wonderful outdoors again. The sunshine has been such a blessing. I think you for being so honest with your greif it really helps us who are also greiving over a loss. Sometimes i feel like i will never get through this pain. i know I will I just don't know when.

Holly said...

Isn't the nice weather great! I know I'm loving it!

I'm sorry things have been rough in your grief journey. You just never know where it's gonna take you sometimes. Sending you a hug

busymomof10 said...

My heart goes out to you in your grief. It must be so incredibly hard to lose a child! It seems to me that having a miscarriage pales in comparison with having a still birth or losing a baby shortly after birth. What would we do without Jesus and His Grace???

Have you seen this blog? You probably have, but her story just blesses me so much, that I wanted to share.


May the Lord wrap His arms around you and comfort you!