Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Glory To God In The Highest!

I absolutely love Christmas Carols. Well actually, I love music in general, especially Christian Music. Praising God in song can be so uplifting to the soul.

I know a few people (who will remain nameless!) who do not like Christmas Music at all! I do not understand this, but pray that someday God will change their heart!

Anyway, back to Christmas Carols. The Christmas Season is so full of wonder and excitement, but celebrating the Birth of our Beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ, has got to be the best part! I enjoy the fun songs like Jingle Bells, but my absolute favorites are those that are sharing the Good News of Jesus!

I thought I would share a few of my favorite Carols between now and Christmas. Today I will share Angels We Have Heard On High.

I truly believe that the Angels were rejoicing on that Day of Jesus' Birth. How amazing was it that the Savior of the World was born.

The refrain of this song is "Gloria In Excelsis Deo!"  It means Glory to God in the Highest!  Yes, Glory to God in the Highest! God's only Son was born! Jesus was born to come and to die for us. None of us deserve it, but He did it anyway! Thank You Jesus for coming as a baby and living and dying for me! 

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

What is your favorite Christmas Carol?

Angels we have on heard high
Sweetly singing ore the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains

Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo

Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn King

Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo

See him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid
While our hearts in love we raise

Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo



1 comment:

Susan said...

I too love Christmas carols. I can never make it through Silent night without tearing up.