Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Am Still Alive!

Yep, I am still alive. Well at least I think so!

The past 2 1/2 weeks, almost 3, have been something else! It all started on a Thursday. Remember this post? Well that was just the beginning. By the weekend I was running a fever and my throat was killing me. The glands in my neck were very swollen and painful. My head was hurting and I ached all over. Complete misery!

I went to the doctor on Monday. I was sure that I had strep throat. I had my tonsils removed over 2 years ago due to frequent tonsil infections and strep.

My doctor had left the practice and supposedly she is to start at a new practice in March, so in the meantime I went back to the old practice and saw a PA ( Physician's Assistant).  They did a rapid strep test that came back negative, but she said my throat looked very "Angry" so she didn't feel right to not treat me. She gave me a prescription for a Z-Pak and sent me on my way. Did I mention I felt like I could die, or at least wish I would!

Through the rest of that week, I really didn't feel like I was getting better. On Friday I called the office back and asked "now what?"  The nurse came back and told me that they had sent my strep test on to a lab and it came back positive. She said that the Z-Pak doesn't work well with strep, so they would have to call something else in. Not only did my throat look angry, but by this time I am sure I did too!

Today is the last day of my antibiotic. Some of my symptoms have gotten better, but I am still struggling. I have been feeling very run down and worn out! I still need to lay down every afternoon. Through all of this I have been very nauseated also.  The past couple of days it seems as though I am slowly getting a little better. I am praying that each new day that I will feel better! Hopefully I will be back to my old self real soon and more frequent blogging!

It seems that Winter has been exceptionally long this year! We have gotten more snow this year than in any other winter since we moved to Kentucky, 5 years ago. I like snow and have been disappointed in the small snowfall here in Kentucky, but now I am soo ready for Spring! I will enjoy when we don't have to get our coats on everyday and I can feel the warm Sunshine on my face!

Have a Wonderful Day Everyone!



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Overdue Update On The Pregnancy Prayer List

I have two new babies to share with you. Please forgive me for being so far behind. This illness has been hard on me and I am still working on recovering!

First Congratulations are due to Nancy, who had a baby boy, Maxwell. Maxwell was born sometime at the beginning of February. I Hear Mom an Baby are doing fine!

Congratulations Nancy!

Next congratulations are due to Bethany who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Amariah Grace was born February 11, 2010 weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and measuring 18 3/4 inches long.  Mother and baby are doing well.

Bethany was the other pregnant Lady in Tim and Naomi's Wedding. Naomi and Bethany grew up together and have been best friends most of their lives. 

Congratulations Bethany and Jon on your beautiful daughter! I can't wait until I get to meet her!

Let's praise God for these Wonderful Blessings!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Light of Life

I have pretty much been out of commission for over a week. I started a new antibiotic last night so I am praying that I will start to feel better real soon! Anyway, I will get back to posting soon, I hope.

Meanwhile I just wanted to share this scripture with you. 

Followeth Me

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12


Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have really needed the Lord's Strength today. Not that I haven't needed it everyday of my life.

For some reason I woke up in some kind of funk today. I am sure it doesn't help that some of the children have been having a bad cough. Micah, our youngest has also been running a fever yesterday and today. I do not have a cough, but I do not feel all that great either. My sinuses are a mess.

I am not motivated to do anything. I would just like to crawl into my bed and put the covers over my head. That does not work too well around here. There are too many people that depend on me to be functioning. I need to function. So I will draw my Strength from the Lord.

I pray that I will wake up tomorrow with a better attitude!  Soaring like an eagle would be awesome, but maybe I can just walk and not faint!

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update on the Pregnancy Prayer List And More About Isaiah 26:3-4

I would like to congratulate Hannah on the birth of her new son, Brennan McCartney. Brennan was Born February 1, 2010, weighing 9 pounds and measuring 22 inches long. The report is that mother and baby are doing well!

Hannah is the sister to my new daughter-in-law, Naomi. She traveled by car, from Wisconsin to Kentucky with her husband and young son to the wedding at 36 weeks pregnant! She was the matron of honor. There was also another pregnant lady in the wedding . Bethany, a good friend of Naomi, is just a few weeks behind Hannah. It was quite sweet seeing them walk down the aisle!

Congratulations Hannah, Tyler, and big brother Will!


I would like to thank those of you who responded to my last post. I enjoyed reading each of your thoughts on Isaiah 26:3-4.  I also had a few responses from friends on facebook.

What I believe God is saying to me is I need to keep my mind stayed on Him in everything! Even in the mundane things in life. You know when we surrender our lives over to God we are to surrender every part of our lives. That means Everything!

When we watch TV, read a book, visit with friends, shop,care for our families, etc, we are to keep our focus on the Lord. Is that TV show something God would have you watch? Is that book something that is honoring to Him? Do you keep your talk wholesome when you are talking with friends? When you shop are you spending your money wisely, and being a good steward of what God has given you? When caring for your family, are you doing it with the Love of God in your heart and and doing it with a loving attitude and a servant's heart.

Let me be the first to say, No I do not always do these things this way. It is a constant battle of my will versus God's will . I get tired. I lose my focus. I get busy in the things of life that I forget to add God into the equation. That is when I start to find my home becoming chaotic and I am fretting about something. This is when I get completely discouraged and fall flat on my face. I need Him in my everyday life! I am nothing without Him and I need to feel His Peace in my Life!

As we learn to keep our minds on Him we will find Peace. As we strive to be in His will, we will find Peace. As we trust in Him, we will find Peace.

Through a conversation on Facebook ,the one thing that stood out to me was something someone said. It was finding Peace through Trust. Think about it, we will find Peace as we Trust in Him!

I do not know about you, but I certainly want to have His my Peace in my life!

Verse 4 goes on to say To trust in the Lord Forever, for He is our Everlasting Strength. So that means trusting Him = Strength! I very much want and need His Everlasting Strength.  How about you?