Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Year

Today is the day. Yes, it has been a year ago today that Faith was born into the hands of her Heavenly Father.

As the day was approaching, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do today to remember Faith. I also did not know what emotions would come to surface on this day.

I was sure I would be quite all right and that it wouldn't be difficult. Talk about denial! Last night as Hubby and I were talking about today, the tears started to come.

When I woke up this morning the weather was quite dreary. Perfect, that went right along with my mood! After getting text messages and messages on facebook, the tears started flowing freely. I am so Thankful for all of those who remembered us today and also prayed for us. I am sure that is what got us through.

Faith was a very wanted baby. She is greatly missed. I long for the day that we will be reunited in Heaven. Oh what a day that will be!

We did a balloon release this evening at home. We are in Kentucky and Faith's grave is in VA. We waited for Hubby to be home from work. We had to fit it in before the kids had to leave for church.

So with all 10 kids and Tim's Fiance, Naomi, we went outside and had our balloon release. One balloon got away before we were ready. Luckily I had an extra inside. We let them go and we watched them go up until we could no longer see them. One balloon got caught on the overhang of the house, so the kids were entertained watching as it finally freed itself and finally went up and away also.

My dear sweet niece Corrie (who is more like the baby sister my Mom never gave me!) went to Faith's grave and released a balloon there. She also got a Happy First Birthday Balloon that she left at the grave. She called me while she was there and talked to me while she and her sister released the balloon. Corrie is the best! Thanks Corrie for all you do! Thanks for helping me out! I Love You!

She took some pictures for me, so I will try to share those as well as the ones we took here at home as soon as I get them all together.

I bought this single pink rose in memory of Faith

If you have not seen the slideshows of Faith and of her Memorial Service you might want to go here to view them. There are 2 different slideshows there. One is what was shown at Faith's Memorial Service. These pictures were taken the day Faith was born.Make sure the sound is turned up on your computer so that you can hear the beautiful song that is playing. The other slideshow is pictures that were taken at the Memorial Service.

Thanks to all of you that have prayed for us. God is so good and he has been with us through every step of this journey. It has not always been easy, but God has carried us when we couldn't walk ourselves. We could never had lived through all of this without the Great Physician that is in the process of healing our broken hearts!



trennia said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday Faith...
(((HUGS))) Karen

Linda said...

She was so delicate and beautiful. The rose is soft and sweet,...a good reminder of your baby Faith.

The balloon release is a wonderful way to remember her and to send up your love.

God is taking good care of her. Our granddaughter Anna was 6 when she went to be with Jesus and she has been with Him 5 years this November. I understand your pain.

So glad we have the Lord to help us through our sorrows and to bring us peace.

Love and prayers,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Caroline said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday Faith. I actually thought of you last nite, when I was still up working on my blog.
Sounds like the balloon release was nice. On Father's Day after my Dad passed away us kids would buy those pretty shiny balloons & tie one on the grave & let the rest go.
I said a prayer for you today too.
Also thanx for the sweet comments on my blog & lots of {{HUGS}}

Holly said...

It's always easy for me to remember Faith because she was born on the 28th too. I knew the big one was coming up for you and it's so hard b/c you don't know how you will feel when the day comes. I think it was special to do a balloon release and thank goodness for special friends!

Remembering Faith....
Happy First Birthday!

GammySel said...

Dear Sister
Time is just that time- sometimes in our hearts it seems to freeze!
May you find comfort, and encouragement as you face the days ahead. Remembering Faith always!

We love you dearly!

Danielle said...

I was just coming over to thank you for doing Wednesdays for Wyatt for us. I am so sorry I am a day late (I always seem to be late for everything anymore) but I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you as you are passing a HUGE milestone. I loved the pink rose you chose. If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask :) Happy first Birthday Faith... Sorry it's a day late!

Franchesca said...

Hi, I just found your blog through Holly Angel Friends. I realized that your daughter's angelversary was yesterday. I am sorry I missed it. I would, however, be honored to create a Hope Collage in memory of Faith. You can see some examples at


Mindy said...

Hi Karen! Thanks for visiting my blog.
And I wanted to tell you that I will be praying for you as you deal with the emotions that the angelversary brought up!

in Him -

Candace said...

Karen, Our prayers for comfort are with you. What a wonderful way to remember little Faith. Sending our love!

Amber Schmidt said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl :)