Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Isn't he beautiful and a little creepy all at the same time?

I took this by holding my cell phone from below. I think it is kind of neat with the blue sky in the background!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Yes, He's Still Here! Making Himself More Comfortable Every Day!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This Is Not Our Cat!

We have this sweet little kitty that showed up on our doorstep a couple of days ago! The children have fallen in love with him!

He seems to be pretty young, as he is still pretty small and skinny.  Yesterday we gave him some milk and I cut up some popcorn chicken for him to eat. We also gave him water but he would not drink that! I had to run out to the store yesterday to get some medicine for Luke so I just happened to pick up some kitty food! When Hubby came home he asked, "why do we have Cat food?"  I told him that we needed it!  He said that we did not need it! Umm, well we kinda wanted something for kitty to eat!

The truth is I love cats. Actually I love animals in general. We have a dog that is allowed inside our house. This dog acts like she wants to eat the cat! The cat stays in the front and the dog goes out the back so that we can keep them apart! We cannot really keep this cat. I am hoping we find his owner so that they can be reunited.

Luke has been having some major allergy symptoms. His eyes have been swelling up really bad. The past couple of days have been even worse. I just wonder if he happens to be allergic to the cat! He wants to go out so badly to play with the cat. I told him today that he has to stay in all day and away from the cat to see if he gets any better. The pediatrician gave us a new allergy medicine to try as well as some eye drops. Let's hope these help. So far I am not convinced!

So, even if the owner is not found and Luke is not allergic, we cannot keep this cat!  Hubby and I are not interested in having a litter box and we really don't have a good place to put one anyway!

Yes, I am talking myself out of keeping this cat! He is very sweet and affectionate! The kids adore him. The dog abhors him!  What shall we do?

Until we figure it all out, I guess we will be doing more of this!



Friday, September 9, 2011

Monster Cookies

I recently stumbled upon this recipe and knew I was going to have to try it!  Most of you have probably heard of Monster Cookies before. Many years ago a friend gave me a recipe for Monster Cookies that were made from scratch. They were very yummy, but they seemed a bit time consuming! 

This recipe calls for using cookie mix that comes in a pouch plus a few more ingredients. Maybe cheating just a bit, but they were yummy and a whole lot quicker!  I made the recipe exactly as it is written except for I had some Reese's Pieces on hand, so I added them too! One person who reviewed the recipe mentioned adding peanut butter chips. That sounds yummy too! 


1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker chocolate chip cookie mix

1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker peanut butter cookie mix

1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats

1 cup butter or margarine, softened

3 eggs

2 cups candy-coated milk chocolate candies


Heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl, stir all ingredients except candies until soft dough forms. Stir in candies.

On ungreased cookie sheets, place about 1/4 cupfuls (very large cookies!) dough about 3 inches apart.

Bake 12 to 13 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheets. Cool completely. Store in covered container at room temperature

*(To make 36 smaller cookies, place 2 heaping tablespoonfuls dough about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes)

These cookies are completey low in calorie and fat, NOT! But oh so yummy!



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy September!

It is September 8th and life is is full swing! We are near the end of our 3rd week of school, however this was only a 4 day week.

I had started a few posts through out the Summer and hoped to finish them, but I never have.  Right now it seems overwhelming to get caught up with all the stuff  I have missed on this blog. So, I decided to just start where we are now and possibly add a little about our Summer as I go.

This year I have 6 kids in school, a first grader all the way up to a 10th grader. Last year there were seven, but Rebekah graduated. It seems a little strange just having 6 at home full time. When you have so many kids, even with just one missing, the dynamics change quite a bit.

Rebekah is going to the local University and living at home. She does not have her drivers license yet, so Hubby or I have to drop her off and pick her up. Her schedule is so full, that she is not home very much. She has long days at school and she also works several evenings a week. I feel like I hardly ever see her. She is getting the hang or her busy schedule, but she is quite worn out which is totally understandable!

Our Summer was quite busy with the Musicals from our Church. There were many practices and both Musicals had three performances each. Let's just say that we were doing a lot of running around and dinner was usually on the run. It was a lot of fun, but it was also great when it was all over! I really felt like I needed a vacation afterwards. I only had to transport my kids, I cannot imagine how the people leading these kids through every practice and performance felt. There were a few young ladies that taught the choreography for both groups and some days they had 2 practices in one day. Can you say Workout?!  I should have joined in and learned the dance moves too, it would have been a great for weight loss.

We did fit in a visit to go see my Mom in Virginia. It was so nice just to be with her. I absolutely hate being so far away from her and the rest of my family. I wish we could at least live closer so that I could easily go for the weekend or something. Last week she fell and when I got the call, it tore me apart that I could not just get up and go be with her. She thought she had broken her leg, but ended up being a small fracture and some badly bruised ribs. That has got to be painful enough though. The good news is that she got to go home! She hates having to stay in the hospital!

While in Virginia, we did get to go see Faith's grave. While I know that she is not there, but with Jesus, it is still nice to visit, since this is a little bit of her I have here on earth.

The kids always want to take my picture while we are there!

Just like all the other times we have visited, many of the kids run straight for Faith's Grave and the start cleaning it up and pulling away any long grass, etc. It always Blesses My Heart! This year I did not get a picture of it though.

My beautiful necklace from My Forever Child.

Close up of my Necklace

Micah using Uncle Rick's fancy camera! He did not want to give it back!

Even though it has been a bit  hard to get back into a regular routine of school,etc, it also feels good!  Kids just seem to do better when they keep up somewhat of a regular schedule. They also go to bed a bit earlier too!

It has been a really hot summer here, but the past few days have been cool and wet and rather dreary! It just seems that we go from one extreme to another. I really would like to have some nice Fall weather though. Some cool days with Sun, yeah, that's what I want!

Today I will leave you with a song I have on my heart:

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
by Helen H. Lemmel, 1922

O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s a light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
Over us sin no more hath dominion—
For more than conquerors we are!

His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
                                                                                                                     Hebrews 12:2



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Someone Thought They Needed To Fight Evil Instead Of Doing His School Work!