Monday, August 29, 2011

Perfect Peace

The Lord has been gently whispering to me about His Peace. I desperately need His Peace in my life. The last few days there have been Scriptures about Peace popping up from different sources like friends on facebook or something I just happen to be reading. It is quite obvious that The Lord is trying to tell me something. I  really do need His Peace and I seek it! I will pay attention to what He is saying and I will study what the Scriptures say about His Peace.

This morning I woke up with this Scripture on my mind. Then when I went to read my Bible, this verse was part of the Scripture Reading Plan for today. ( I am following a plan to read through the Bible in a year, which I am terribly behind on!) Do I think this is a coincidence?  Absolutely not!  God is working on my Heart and I am going to pay attention!

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Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3

I am sorry I have been absent from this blog. I miss being here and I miss you all! This Summer has been a bit busy, but I also have had a hard time just sitting down to write. I really do hope to be here more often. It is like therapy for me to write here. Thank You to the Faithful few that still read this. I hope to be back real soon!




Karin said...

Perfect peace...only He can provide that!

I join you in the absent bloggers's to getting back to it!

Susan said...

I love this verse. He will give you perfect peace. I was just telling one of my friends last night how I have felt the peace of God lately like never before.
Praying for you to have perfect peace.