Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pregnancy Prayer List Update ~ Welcome Baby Joshua!

I am happy to share with you another baby that was born to one of the mom's from the Pregnancy Prayer List. Audrey gave birth to her new baby boy, Joshua, on September 2, 2010, at 11:17 P.M.  Joshua weighed 7lbs.1oz. and was 20 inches long. Audrey went through quite a lot with this pregnancy and as well as with many of her previous pregnancies.  Praise God that Joshua is here safe and healthy! You can go here to visit Audrey to learn more about her story and say congratulations!

Congratulations Audrey and Family! God is so Good!

Please remember to keep the rest of the ladies from the Pregnancy Prayer List in your prayers. There are still a few more that are due really soon! Also, if you are expecting and would like to be added to the list, I would love to add you! Just leave me a message or send me an email.



Caroline said...

Congrats to Audrey & family !!
God is Good.



Karen, Thank You so very much for all your prayers, for adding me to your prayer list and this post. I am so blessed to have our Baby Joshua. I thank God every single day and wanted to also thank everyone that has prayed for us.

I appreciate every single prayer, comment, and email I have received. The Power Of Prayer Is Awesome. Many Blessings my friend, Audrey