Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pregnancy Prayer List Update ~ Please Pray For Baby Vance

Congratulations to Heather on the birth of her baby boy, Vance Gabriel. Baby Vance was born on Friday, May 28th. 

Please keep  Baby Vance and his Mama, Heather in your prayers. It was known before birth that Vance had a problem with his heart that would require surgery early in his young life. As of Sunday, he was being transported to another hospital and Heather was in need of a blood transfusion. You can learn more by visiting his Grandma's blog here. Please keep this dear family in your prayers.

Also, please remember the other ladies on the Pregnancy Prayer List. Please pray for Healthy Full Term Pregnancies and Strong Healthy Babies! I know they would appreciate it very much!

Blessings on your day!




Caroline said...

I'm praying.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much Karen for your thoughtfulness. I know the Lord heard the many prayers offered up for him and his family. I am about to post an update. Things are looking good at this point.

Take care,


Karen, I am praying for baby Vance and his family. Thank You so much for your prayers and adding me to your prayer list. The 17P shots are slowing the contractions down alot, not stopping them but they are much better. Have a great week. Many Blessings,