Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Praise from the Pregnancy Prayer List

Another beautiful baby has been born! I have received word that Muffy has had a baby boy. Thaddaeus Hosea was born on December 8,2009 weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces. Let's Praise God together for a safe delivery! Congratulations Muffy!

The Pregnancy Prayer List is getting smaller. If you are pregnant or know someone who is, please send  me an email or leave me a comment so that I can add you to the list. There are other ladies that join in with me to pray for these Expectant Mommies.

I really believe that Expectant Moms need to be covered in prayer. There seems to be so many with problems or complications. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. Let's join in together and keep these ladies covered in prayer.



Jenilee said...

That is wonderful Karen! I love how you have opened your heart to these women. God BLess!

Jenilee said...

love your Christmas blog layout by the way! and the snow is so cute! :)

Holly said...

This is wonderful!!

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