Thursday, October 8, 2009


The Pregnancy Prayer List is Starting to grow! I am delighted to be able to pray for these Expectant Mommies!

If you are expecting or know someone who is and would like to be added to the list, please leave me a comment or send me an email at I feel privileged to pray for all of you!

I invite each of you to pray right along with me. I feel that it is important to keep these Mommies and their little ones held up in prayer! The list is at the top of the right sidebar.

Please send updates so I can update everyone here also.



Ange said...

Thank you dear lady for stopping by my blog to say hi! I have a Dr. appt....a sonogram with the specialist at 3 p.m.

Am feeling nervous....thanks so much for your prayers and support and to anyone else who is praying for us and the babies.


Holly said...

Thank you for praying for pregnant mommies! I think I've said that before but you deserve another thank you.

Sharon L. said...

Karen-this is so sweet of you. Would you add Bethany to your list? I would really appreciate any extra prayers for a safe pregnancy for our first grandbaby! Sharon

Karen said...

This is already done! I listed her as due in February. I wasn't sure , so if that is not right,please let me know.


Ange said...


Thank you for your prayers. Praise report...I do not have gestational diabetes. My second glucose test came back normal. I am now on partial bed/couch rest. My dear children are helping so much right now. My 17 year old son is out on fall break...he vacuumed for me today and scrubbed the shower! God is good.
