Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall Is Here and a Pregnancy Prayer List

It seems as though Fall has finally arrived here is Kentucky. The past few days the weather has been cooler and I love it!

I love Fall. I love all the sights and smells that come with Fall. The cooler weather is so welcome after a hot Summer. The beautiful colors that come from the leaves changing is such a wondrous sight! The smells of apples and cinnamon or pumpkin pie baking or apple cider simmering are so yummy!

The only problem with Fall is that it is too short! Yes, on the calendar it is the same length as any other season. It just doesn't last that long. Winter seems to creep in just a bit too quick! I love different things about Winter also, but for me it lasts a little too long. And the thing that makes me sad is when all the leaves fall off of the trees. Everything seems bare and bleak. That is why Spring is so welcome, but that is another post. So I will enjoy Fall while I can!

Over the weekend I felt the Lord was laying it on my heart to pray for pregnant women. It seems as though there are so many women experiencing complications with their pregnancies. Pregnant women have always been near and dear to my heart. I feel that it is appropriate to keep these ladies and their babies in prayer.

So here is what I am going to do. If you are pregnant or know somebody that is pregnant and would like to be added to my pregnancy prayer list please let me know. Leave me a comment with your name or friend's name and due date or month. I am going to keep a list on my sidebar to remind each of us to pray. Please join me in praying for these ladies and their babies. Also, please send me an update so I can post that too! I am excited to see what God is going to do!

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed. When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5



Nutmeg said...

I've had several visitors to the blog lately who have had stillborn children or children with complications and it grieves my heart. I will be checkin in here to see who is on your list and pray along with you. Wonderful idea, dear.

Ange said...

Thank you Karen for putting me on your list....It really brings me comfort to know that someone is praying...You are a special, wonderful woman of God.


Caroline said...

I love your Fall picture & it's my favorite time of year too. Your so right it doesn't last very long. I have only been in Nevada for 2 yrs & lived in Ohio only before. You don't really see the pretty fall here. I miss that.
Also praying for pregnant mommies is a great idea. I love it. {{HUGS}}

Ange said...


Could you please add my friend Nancy Monroe who is due in February? Not sure of the exact date. She had a miscarriage her first pregnancy and struggled with infertility before that.
Thanks for your ministry Karen!

Holly said...

I love the colors and smells of fall but hate that it turns into the bareness of winter, although winter does have it's own beautiful points too. Coldness and me don't agree too well. lol

The pregnancy list is a wonderful idea!!!

Ange said...

This is my 3rd comment here Karen!! LOL! Anyway,wanted to thank you for visiting my blog so often. Whenever I see that you have visited, I feel like you are calling or stopping by to see how I am doing and to check on me!! It means so is like we are neighbors. Yet I am in AZ and you are way over in KT!!

Well, I might be emailing you about the son moving back home. That is if you do not mind. I know it will be challenging....but really sense the Lord is moving on his heart. Will talk to you soon.

Love and Blessings and Hugs,


trennia said...

You have a Kreativ Blog Award waiting for you! Please come to my blog to claim your award!

Anonymous said...

Hi,My name is Muffy. I found your blog through Dancing on Weathered ground.I am 9 wks. Away from delivery-Dec.9. I pray for you when I check in on you maybe every 2 or 3 weeks as I know your pain.We lost our 8th baby 17 mos ago due to a cord prolapse.I would appreciate your prayers right now.I just asked the Lord this morning to give me peace about the birth as I am really doing fine with the pregnancy just really fearing the birth as that is when we lost Thomas.Thank you,God Bless.

Karen said...

Hi Muffy,

I would be delighted to pray for you. I know it must be hard not to be nervous after losing a little one. I pray that God will give you a Great Peace and keep that little one protected and that you will have a beautiful delivery of a beautiful healthy baby!

I will add you to the list on the top right side bar. There are other ladies that check in and will pray also. Please keep me updated. I would love to know how you are doing.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.
In Christ,