Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am a bit behind on posting about Birthdays around here. Three more birthdays have been celebrated in the last couple of months.

First off is my oldest son Jeremy. He turned 23 years old and I cannot believe it!

I had Toxemia when I was pregnant with him and was induced at 37 weeks. I was on medication that made me miserable. His delivery was a bit difficult for me and I decided that one child was all I needed! That lasted a really long time, didn't it?

The younger children think Jeremy is the Best! They look up to Him! ( Literally because he is 6'3"!) He is currently taking a break from school so he can save up some more money.

Next is Anna. My baby girl is now 8. She is quite the spunky one! I am determined that she could run this country better than anyone else! She can do anything she puts her mind to. She is in third grade and does quite well.

Anna got her ears pierced for her Birthday. She has been really wanting to get that done and since it would be one less thing to have to pick up, I gave in consented. So far, so good. She still wears the original post earrings and we clean them twice a day.

The most recent Birthday was Luke. He is now 6. Luke is in Kindergarten this year. He reminds us so much of his older brother Tim. He looks a lot like him and has a very similar personality. He can be quite charming and a real sweet heart and then he can be a real hard head! He definitely keeps us busy and entertained.

Having 10 children can keep you busy in the Birthday department. Next month we have 4 Birthdays. We usually end up getting a cake for each one, but we have considered having one great big celebration. The older kids can handle this well, but the younger ones still want their own! Oh well, it won't be all that long before they are all older and won't even care.

October 28th marks one year since we said goodbye to Faith. I am not sure what we will do to remember her. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. It just seems impossible that it has almost been a year. I have been remembering a lot recently, about the things we were going through this time last year.I never dreamed one year later I would be blogging about losing her.

It seems as though the next couple of months are going to be quite busy. November we have four Birthdays and Thanksgiving. We are also planning a Wedding shower for my son Tim and his fiance Naomi. Then comes the month of December which is always busy with Christmas preparations. On top of that we will be preparing for Tim and Naomi's Wedding which is January 2nd. Besides all of this, we still have day to day activities that keep us quite busy anyway. I am praying for God to help us to prioritize and for us to remember to keep Him the Center of all that we do.



Holly said...

Wow so many birthdays close together! :) A good opportunity to eat lots of cake and ice cream. lol

A popular thing is a balloon release. You could do an act of kindness or donate to a charity in her memory.

trennia said...

Happy birthday(s) to all your children!
I did a balloon release on Emily's birthday, we all wrote something we wanted to say and sent it toward the heavens...we also bought a huge princess balloon for her grave.It is a hard thing...but cling to the Lord He will never leave nor forsake you.

Ange said...

Happy Birthday to all your precious blessings!! They are all so special. I am inspired always by your and your wonderful family. May these up coming weeks be filled with beautiful blessings, moments and memories!!



Candace said...

Wow, so many birthdays! happy birthday to them all! Do you make each cake! If so you must be really busy!

Jenilee said...

the cakes look yummy and delicious! praying for you this month.

Amber Schmidt said...

Praying for your beautiful family in Lexington!!! Hugs!

Ms. Sarah said...

thank you for stopping by my blog the other day. Have a fantastic day.