Friday, June 12, 2009

Why does it always happen?

Sorry I have been MIA for a little while. Keeping up with my children and my hubby can be very time consuming to say the least. I have also just been feeling a bit "dry" and just a bit down. The circumstances of life can really drag you down if you let it. I am trying to readjust my focus on Jesus and what he wants me to do and how to do it.

I am praying that my journey of having Faith will bring Glory to God and that along the way I can be of help to those who experience something similar. I want something Good to come from this. God is bringing healing to my life, but at the same time I still experience struggles. I want to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend but right now I often find it difficult to be those things. Some days I still just want to hide from the world.

I was raised in the Church and personally accepted Jesus as my Saviour at the age of 11. Trusting God has come a little more easily for me then for some others. I believe He is who he said He is, and I believe His Word to be true. However, some days I start to rely more on my own abilities. When things start to fall apart I am suddenly thrown into reality that I left God out of the picture. Why do I have to Fall on my Face so many times? Why haven't I learned my lesson.

Even though Mike and I have experienced a great deal of difficulties along the way, God's Grace has always been sufficient. He has always provided.He has always made a way when there didn't seem to be a way.I am so Thankful for my Godly Heritage and that God is part of my Life! If you have accepted Jesus as Lord would you mind sharing a little bit about it, or at least what age you were when you came to that decision. I would love to hear about it. If you haven't come to that decision yet, won't you consider it today?

On the Home Front, the last couple of days have been quite a change. I have been mostly having only 4 kids at home and it feels quite strange. My hubby is at the JBQ (Junior Bible Quiz) National Festival. Two of our children are quizzing along with 4 other quizzers from our church. Mike is their coach. My daughter Rebekah went along to help. The older boys have other activities to keep them busy. I am having to re figure how to make Meals because I am used to cooking for 12. Needless to say it is quite different around here, and dare I say quieter?

Of course something always falls apart when the hubby is away. Last time he went away we had a disaster happen. The ejection pump in the basement decided to quit working. This pump is to pump out all the water and sewage from the bathroom in the basement. Well when my son was done with his shower he found quite a bit of water in the basement. Fortunately there didn't seem to be any sewage involved, but probably only shower water. We got the shop vac out and tried to clean up the mess ourselves. That was never going to work. After spending a long time on one area it seemed like we were getting nowhere fast! Eventually I ended up calling a company to come out that specializes in water extraction. Money was spent that was unexpected, but a least the carpet was saved!

This morning as I was sitting in the Family Room, we suddenly heard this strange noise. It was a water sound, but at first I thought someone was in the Kitchen running water. After a couple of minutes I realized that all the kids that were home were in the Family Room with me. With 10 children you are used to a lot of noise and don't get too alarmed when you hear noises! So I got up and went into the kitchen and found water pouring out of the freezer. We have the water and ice in the door option and somehow the water was just flowing. I had no one big to help me, so I had to work hard at getting the Fridge pulled out so that I could turn off the water valve in the back.

We have had a time with this Fridge recently. About a month ago or so, it quit working. The relay to the compressor was shot. We believed this happened during a thunder storm in which we kept having power surges. Earlier that morning it was working perfectly fine. Then about a week later the ice maker broke. Now we are back to using ice trays. We make the ice and then put it in the container in the freezer where it would normally go, so we can make more and try to build up a supply. We still had the water turned on so that we can get the water in the door. Now we are getting crushed ice even though we have it on the cube ice selection! The thing is really messed up. So now evidently the water line now has a problem! UGHHH!

Here are a few pictures of some of my flowers close up. Why? Well, just because! I am trying to learn more about my camera and how to use it.




September said...


You are not alone in this... as you know,, even when the tide of life seems "high," the Lord is standing right there on the water waiting for us to take His Hand.
I do the very same thing. It is like a cycle of losing sight of the very ONE that is keeping me going, and then I realize that I was going it alone and didn't even know.
Your testimony of finding Him in the storms of life, even when you get distracted is good for others to read. Thank you.
I need that reminder also.
Be encouraged - and keep looking up. I am praying for you,.. the Lord keeps bringing your name to my mind.
P.S. I LOVE your flowers. I have an addiction to them too. Maybe because we know it is a beautiful side of life we CAN control?
Hang in there with the fridge!

trennia said...

beautiful flowers...Please know you are not walking this path alone.We all that have loss a child, some people more losses need to learn to lean on each other and hold tight to one another with loving arms because let's face it the world has alot of hate toward us for some reason.I'm am so thankful I'm saved by grace through Lord Jesus paid the price and I'm thankful to Him! Hope this goes through, but if not I'll be emailing you.

Mike Kelly said...
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Jenilee said...

Oh! National JBQ!!! How fun! We are children's pastor's and LOVE JBQ! My daughter is just starting this year and we are really excited. Our PeeWee team from a few years ago (from a previous church) is there as well. They are a young team but very talented. I can't wait to hear how your kids did!!

And, I can relate the the refrigerator issues! Ours does something "fun" all the time and I've walked into the kitchen to find the water spraying all over and my 18 month old playing away in it. :)

Thanks for stopping by awake and it was nice to "meet" you!

Ange said...


You may not realize this but you are such a gentle minister of grace, comfort and truth. You live it each day. The fact that you are so willing to be honest and share your life as you do is a gift that so many need. Goodness has already been flowing from your suffering and loss. I am so sorry you have had to endure through this pain. Your Father loves you just as you are right where you are on this journey.You know whose chest to lean and cry upon. He would not want it any other way. I know when we suffered losses in 2007, I always struggled to give myself grace just as God was giving it to me. I always beat myself up because I thought I should be stronger. I appreciate your sharing as so many can relate to you. Wow, the plans He has for your family....amazing!! May your heart be lifted and encouraged in His tender love for you. Sending hugs...and prayers. Ange

P.S. I accepted Jesus Christ at age 29 at 8 months pregnant with our third son. My husband made a renewed commitment with the Lord and we were baptized together. We had just come through a 2 year tornado of seperation and were almost divorced. It messy. It was seemingly hopeless....but God with our cooperation did a miracle. PTL