Yes, it is me, believe it or not!
I cannot believe how long it has been since I have written a real post. I also cannot believe it is now March 8th. Time marches on and it seems to drag me along with it.
Sorry about the lack of post here. I have been reading your blogs, just rarely leave comments. I have really enjoyed the blogging community and hope to get back to it more regularly. I am especially thankful for the support I have received here from so many because of our loss of Faith. Even though it has been over 3 years, she is still fresh on my mind and my guess is that she will always be.
Please pray with me for the ladies on the Pregnancy Prayer List. I have been a little discouraged about the lack of response of people willing to pray. I actually was seriously considering taking it down, but just about that time, I received a few new requests to be added. I really believe God place this on my heart in the first place, so I am continuing on. I am sorry if you feel I have neglected this, but I want to continue it and be more diligent on keeping it up.
So, on that note, if you are pregnant or know someone who is, please send me an email or leave a comment if you would like to be added. My email address is on the sidebar on the right. Also, if you are on the list, I would love to receive updates on how things are going. Lisa is listed for January and I am sure she has had that baby by now, so I would love an update! Also, could you please leave a comment to let me know that you all are praying for these ladies. I know it would encourage me as well as each of them! Thanks! The names in blue are a link to their blog. Holly actually just made he family blog private so that link is not working, but you can give her a visit by visiting her other blog
Update about us:
This school year has brought on some changes for us. Josh is attending a Christian University and lives on Campus. We do not get to see him very much at all and the we miss him a great deal. Rebekah is attending a local University and lives at home. She also works at Chick-fil-A, so she stays extremely busy! We really do not get to see her very much either.
This means we only have 6 at home full time now. Most people would say that is a lot, but since we are down from 10, it is quite strange to me. That is not to say we are not very busy, because we are! Things are just different!
It has been a little strange only having 7 of the children living at home now. The logistics of everyday living has changed quite a bit! Knowing how to cook dinner has been a bit of a challenge too. With the 3 oldest boys not at home, my old way of cooking produces too much food. Tim has been out of the house for over 2 years, but lived fairly close by, so he would eat a lot of our leftovers. He and Naomi recently moved about 40 minutes away, so it is not so convenient for him to come get the leftovers. The younger boys are still a bit picky about their food and do not eat as much and Rebekah is rarely home, so I am learning to adjust.
My youngest is now 6, so there are no more babies around here. That is an adjustment for me as well, but I have also have learned to enjoy the freedom that comes with not having babies to care for. I would, however, would be willing to give up that freedom in a heartbeat if God chose to bless us again! I am looking forward to lots of grandchildren some day!
The hubby has been sick, and this is a first time in a really long time that he had to miss several days of work. I finally took him to the doctor this past Monday, and he has Bronchitis.When I called to make him an appointment,the receptionist fussed at me for waiting so long to make him an appointment. Well, he is a grown man and I cannot make him do anything he does not want to do. Anyway, he seemed like he was starting to get a little better, but over the weekend he ended up getting worse. He seems to be slowly getting better. I hope the antibiotic he is on is the right one for him.
Well, that is all for today. I want to write a couple of posts to catch up on the last few months. I also like to post pictures, but sometimes it seems to take me a really long time to get it all written and edited.
Let me leave you with a picture of our silly kitty! You know, the one a told you about a few months ago that's not mine! If you don't remember, scroll down and you can see for yourself!
Hope to see you soon!