Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Hope Is In You Lord

My life is in You, Lord

My strength is in You, Lord

My hope is in You, Lord

In You, it's in You

The past few days, this song has been on my mind. We used to sing it in church quite often, but as new songs come along, other songs get pushed aside. I do not think that I have heard this song for a while, so I am not sure why I keep singing it over and over again.

Well.... I am sure the Lord put it on my heart.

Life is just too hard without God in your life, period. There are just too many trials that come our way. I am so thankful that I have a Wonderful, Faithful, Loving God  that has been by my side through everyday. Whether the day be easy and joyful or it is very difficult and full of grief. I do not know where I would be with out Him.

I need the Hope that He gives me. I need His strength.

I guess one reason this song came to mind, was that I was thinking about Hope. I needed some for myself. I knew I needed to lean on the Lord for that Hope.  A dear sweet bloggy friend ministered God's Love and Hope to me through a sweet email. How awesome it is to be a part of the Family of God!

As this email ministered to me and  started to renew my Hope again, I also felt God renewing my Strength. Thank You Lord for Loving me and for your Hope and Strength! Help me to share your Hope with others!

I will praise You with all of my life

I will praise You with all of my strength

With all of my life

With all of my strength

All of my hope is in You

Lord I want to forever Praise You with all Strength and all of my Life! All of My Hope is in You! 

but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31



trennia said...

I totally understand, the devil has been throwing stuff at my family for sometime now, but I hold on to the hope of Jesus.I keep saying,we will make it through because in the end Jesus is victorious and defeats that old snake!

Susan said...

Karen I love this post. I am really focusing on putting my Hope in the Lord again. Las night I was doing a bible study with a friend and i actually brought you up. I told her I have never met this women but she has been an inspiration to me and has been so kind to me. Praying for you as you have Hope in the Lord again. I feel hopeful right now and am learning to look for God in everything.

Blessings, Susan

Kelly said...

I found your blog through the party over at 5 Mins. for Mom and I have enjoyed reading through your posts. You are such an inspiration to other mothers, especially to those who are pregnant!
I lost 2 children through miscarriages and know how important it is to find comfort in other women and their experiences as well as finding the ultimate comfort in the Lord.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I have added your blog to my Bloglines reader and can't wait to read more from you!
May God continue to bless your family!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, you visited my blog (yes it was a month ago, I am behind) and I wanted to pop over and say thank you for your kind comments and encouragement. Blessings to you and your family today!