Friday, November 6, 2009

Please Pray

You may remember my friend Ange who is Mother to 9 and expecting twins. Well, I got an email from her husband last night saying that she was in premature labor. She had been admitted the night before. I do not know much information right now, but the email said that the babies will probably be born in the next 1-6 days. Her due date is not until December 23rd.

Please be in prayer for Ange and for those baby girls. May the Lord be with Ange and let her have those babies in His perfect time, and that it would be an easy and safe delivery and that she would remain healthy and strong. Also that those sweet  babies will be born healthy and strong without need of medical intervention. Lord please minister to her family at this time as they meet the newest members. Also Lord please meet all of the needs of this family.


1 comment:

Holly said...

Praying and hoping for these babies!