Thursday, May 7, 2009

Could it Possibly be 25 years?

Recently Mike and I celebrated our Twenty fifth Anniversary. It is really hard to believe that twenty five years have gone by. We have been through a lot together, but God has always gotten us through the difficult times. I am so Thankful that we are committed to each other through thick and thin. It has not always been easy. Really there have been some very difficult times, but God has been so faithful. Also we both are committed to see it through no matter what.

I have grown to love and appreciate Mike more than ever before! He is Mr Steady! Poor guy has had to live with me. I am more of "Go with the Flow " kind of person. He is very organized and keeps a list of his lists! OK, I am probably stretching the truth there just a bit, but maybe you get the idea. Too bad I am not as organized as he is. I have asked him why he hasn't got me organized and his reply was that I wouldn't let him!

So, in those twenty five years I have had 13 pregnancies. Two of those pregnancies resulted in miscarriage and the last one was our Sweet Baby Faith who was Stillborn. We have also dealt with our son having Leukemia and enduring 2 1/2 years of Chemotherapy while we still had to take care of our other 3 young children. We have moved several times and have had to endure job loss twice. Mike's mom and my dad both passed away. My brother died 11 days before our son was diagnosed with Leukemia and 4 days after the birth of our fourth child. We saw God's hand in all of those situations also which made it just a little bit easier.

We have 10 living children ages 22 down to 3. We consider ourselves extremely blessed! We have been blessed with Family, Neighbors, and Church family that we have share our joys and sorrows with. They have been there to help pick up the pieces and see us through the hard times . We have certainly been blessed!

I wish I had pictures to show you of our Wedding, but I do not know how to use the scanner yet. Anyone around that knows how to use it has not had time to help me out. Hopefully in the near future I can share those pictures with you.

On Tuesday night Mike and I went out to dinner. We are hoping on getting away sometime in the near future. Mike also brought me some roses. He usually brings red roses, but this year he decided to do something a little different. He brought me yellow roses with red accents. They are so beautiful and I am enjoying the change.

It is really strange, but I remember when my parent's celebrated their twenty fifth. I was eleven years old and we had a big party. I thought my parents were REALLY OLD! They were 44 years old at the time. Now that is not looking very old at all! My mom is 78 and looks really good for her age. She still does not have much gray hair at all. She has never colored her hair either. Boy, I hope I have her genes.

I think we should celebrate all year long instead of just one day, so I am going to say,

Happy 25th Anniversary to My Dear Hubby!
I Love You with all my Heart!




trennia said...

Flowers are just so beautiful! Congrats on 25 years together may the good LORD JESUS CHRIST bring you many more.

September said...

Ohh Karen! Happy Anniversary to you,, a little late. Sorry,,, haven't read my blogs lately,, but I was so happy to see you are celebrating your 25th! Wow! Your testimony is wonderful for the Lord. I don't know how marriages survive without the Savior!
Enjoy another year with your helpmeet!

Becca said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! Thank you for your sweet words and prayers.

Congratulations to 25 amazing years with your hubby! You two have been through so much together, it is beautiful. Also, the roses are gorgeous! Hope y'all have many more years to come!

Emily said...

I came over from BabyLoss Directory- thanks for sharing your story with us. It helps to know we are not alone. ((hugs)) Emily from Stepping Stones (

Amy said...

Just stopping by to catch up, so Happy Belated Anniversary. Only 22 more years to go on our end....