Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Day to Remember

Today marks three months since we said Hello and Goodbye to our Sweet Baby Faith. I will get back to "About Us", but tonight I wanted to share a little from my heart.

I am not one who usually dwells on the impending dates of birth or death of those who have died. It seems as I walk through this journey, grief will just pop up unannounced. Today as I was alone taking a shower, I was remembering the day of Faith's birth. These are painful memories, but memories I never want to forget. As tears rolled down my face, I remembered her sweet face and her perfect little body. There was nothing on the outside indicating my baby should have died. I had a very special doctor who I will ever be Thankful for. She had tears rolling down her face as she handed Faith to me. It meant the world to me that she cared so very much. (Thanks Dr O for everything and I appreciate you above and beyond any words could ever describe.) I also had a very special nurse Lori who we also appreciate beyond measure. This was the most difficult day of my life, but these two people made a world of difference. There are more people who are special to us also, and I will share more about them later.

So as I was remembering Faith, I realized that today was the 28th. Three months have come and gone. As time goes by, the pain eases a little. I am forever Thankful that I know the Great Physician who is in the process of healing my broken heart. It is a painful process, yet I know God is with me. Those who have walked a similar road know this process. Faith will always be a part of me and part of our family. I will share more about Faith's life as I share more about "About Us".


Friday, January 16, 2009

About Us Part 1

My name is Karen and I have been married to my dear husband Mike since 1984. We did not set out to have a lot of children, but little by little, God surely changed our hearts. We were going to have the average 2 children, but possibly stretch that to 4. The plan was that I was going to keep working after having children, but that idea was quickly changed .

Our first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 13 weeks in October 1985. We became pregnant again 2 months later with our first child Jeremy, who was born in 1986. Well, that did it for me, I was in love with my new baby and I loved being a Mommy. There was no way I was going to leave this baby with someone else all day. So, that is when I became a stay at home Mommy. We went on to have a few more children and life was busy.

Timothy was born in 1988 and Joshua in 1991. Six months after Joshua was born I unexpectedly became pregnant again. Quite a surprise, but I still was very excited! The doctor could hardly believe that I could be pregnant again so quickly, especially since I was exclusively nursing. However, I miscarried that pregnancy at nine weeks. We decided to go ahead and try again soon after, and the following month I became pregnant again. Rebekah was born in 1993.

June of 1993 was mixed with great joy with the birth of our first daughter and sorrow with the death of my brother Doug 4 days later. To add to our grief, when Rebekah was 15 days old, our son Timothy was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 4 1/2. Needless to say our world was turned up side down.