Bethany was born on July 21,2010 at 6:50 p.m. weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. Her proud parents are my nephew Jonathan and his wife Rachel. I had the pleasure of attending Jon and Rachel's Wedding last July. They are so sweet together.
A very proud Daddy with his baby girl!
I hear that Jonathan is in love with his sweet new daughter and doesn't want to put her down.
They announced at Christmas that they were expecting. When I heard the news I cried with Joy! You see, Jon was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 3. He spent 3 years doing Chemotherapy and spent those 3 years being pretty sick. One of the side effects from Chemo can be infertility. As you can see, God had plans for Bethany to be here! God is so good!
Rachel recently started a new blog, so you can go here and pay her a visit.
I will have the pleasure of meeting Miss Bethany next month. I can't wait to get my hands on her! Well, that is if Jon will let me have a turn!
Congratulations Rachel and Jon! She is beautiful and we love you all!
Update: After I had this post ready to go up, I learned that Bethany has Jaundice and was admitted to the hospital yesterday. Rachel's facebook status this morning was that Bethany's bilirubin count has come down and her weight has gone up, so she probably will be able to go home tomorrow. Please keep them in your prayers and that Bethany can go home soon!
Congrats too them! She is a cutie!
Who couldn't be in love with that little love. Congratulations to everyone.
What a beautiful baby girl. With a wonderful testimony to go along. God is Good.
Congrats to them. Such a beautiful little girl. God is good.
Congratulations to you all on the arrival of Bethany, she is beautiful! I love the picture of your nephew holding her, he looks like a natural!
Will definitely be keeping them in my prayers. My oldest son and oldest daughter had jaundice when they were born so I can relate to the situation.
Thinking of you all and thank you for sharing such wonderful news!!!
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