Have you ever heard something over and over again and you were pretty sure you knew what was meant by it and all of sudden it becomes very real to you?
I was raised in a Christian home and grew up in the Church. Believing in God and trusting Him and His Word came pretty easy for me. Let me say here, that I am not perfect and I haven't always done everything right, but thank the Lord for His Mercy and Grace!
Anyway, I would hear God's Truths over and over again. Things that I would hear presented many times and in many different ways, and really I feel like I started taking some for granted. Then all of sudden, something would click with me and it became very real to me.
This happened to me on Sunday. While at Church, we were singing the song "I lift My Hands" by Chris Tomlin. This song really ministered to me. It starts out saying, "Be Still There is a Healer, His Love is Deeper than the Sea." Just that part is so amazing in itself! We all need God's Healing in our lives and then His love for us cannot be measured. He loves us unconditionally, you know, like no matter what we do or say, He Loves Us, Period!
The part of the song that really became real for me yesterday was where it says "You are my Refuge You are my Strength."
Like I said, I have heard this over and over again in my lifetime.You know the scripture Psalm 91:2:
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
I knew in my heart that I could always run to Him. But something about singing this yesterday made it come alive for me. I could actually picture running into His arms. I really felt His Presence and I felt like He was holding me. It was such a Blessing to know that He is my shelter! He will hold me and keep me protected from the worries and cares of this world.
Here is the definition of refuge from the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary:
: shelter or protection from danger or distress
: a place that provides shelter or protection
: something to which one has recourse in difficulty
I don't know about you, but I need protection from danger or distress. God is waiting with His Arms Held Wide Open to be that shelter for us!
I am so thankful to have such a loving God that is always there for me and loves me no matter what! His Arms Offer that Shelter that we need from the difficulties that life can throw us.
I pray that you also will trust Him to be your Refuge as well!