Thursday, March 24, 2011

Create In Me A Pure Heart

I am using a Bible Reading Guide that has you read through the Bible in one year.  I actually started this plan in the middle of last year. So today, I was reading from the Day labeled July 30th! Hey it doesn't matter that I didn't start on January 1st!

It is really good to be in God's Word. I have had a hard time being consistent with it, but I have been Blessed by my effort of working on it! I decided that my relationship with God is more important than any other part of my life. To keep that relationship Going and Growing it requires effort on my part. Spending time in His Word and Communicating with Him frequently is how this is accomplished!

 I have decided that I will spend time with God and His word before I will open up my computer each day. I feel like I must make Him a priority before anything else! I like to get on my computer first thing in the morning to check emails and of course facebook! I have got to make sure I know what is going on with everyone! But God has to be First!

Anyway, today's reading included some of the Psalms. I really enjoy reading the Psalms because they are a great encouragement to me. I think I need to include the Psalms even on days when it is not on the reading plan!

This Scripture really stood out to me!

Picture Credit

    Create in me a pure heart, O God,

and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

 Do not cast me from your presence

or take your Holy Spirit from me.

 Restore to me the joy of your salvation

and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Psalm 51:10-12

I Highly Encourage You To Spend Time in God's Word Each Day!



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Has Sprung, The Grass Has Ris...

Or Has it?

The past few days have been just beautiful around here. The feeling that Spring is in the air is bringing relief that Winter is about over.  I am reminded of this little poem that my Mom would recite! Looking all over the Internet I found a few different versions.

The  version I remember most went like this:

Spring has sprung. The grass is ris. I wonder where the flowers is?”

Bad grammar, I know! I do not remember if there was more to it or not.

Here is another version I found:

It has been pretty warm here, mostly in the 70's. Today has been warm again, but a cold front is moving in and with it Thunderstorms are expected this evening. We are in a Tornado watch until tonight.  The next few days are supposed to be in the 40's. It was nice while it lasted!

Here is a reading from the Thermometer in Rebekah's car showing the outside temperature taken yesterday.

I walked around the yard to see if I could find any sign of life. I was a bit surprised to see that my Rhododendrons are going to bloom in the near future.

If you have any clue why there are spots on the leaves and what I can do about it, please let me know!

I found many dandelions. You know a lot of  people spend a lot of time trying to get rid of these, but there is something about the pretty yellow flowers that I really like!

After taking these pictures, I realized that we have a lot of weeds in our backyard! But some of them are so pretty!

Are they weeds or wild flowers?

Growing up, I called these violets. I have no idea what they are really called.

Here they are a little closer up. My pictures are not showing their beautiful blue color!

Here is some wild onion growing amongst some of the pretty purple flowers weeds! Our backyard has a ton of wild onions growing this year! 

As I was walking along, I also found some really cute kids playing!

Micah on the swing

Upon further inspection, I found the turtles are coming out of hibernation. Four of the five have been spotted. The smallest one named April has yet to be seen. Of course Zach was the first to be seen. He is the most outgoing turtle and he has personality! Last week, he had just his head sticking out of the ground!

Here's Mr Zach!

I believe that Spring is my favorite time of the year! As the weather grows warmer and new life is starting to sprout, it makes me feel as though I can break out of my shell and out of hibernation! There just seems to be a new hope and a new promise. It makes me feel like I have a fresh new start!

Picture Credit

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Happy Almost Spring Everyone!



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy John 3:16 Day!

As I was driving Rebekah to work this morning, I was listening to K-LOVE and I heard them talking about John 3:16 Day! Since today is 3/16/11, it would be a great day to call John 3:16 Day!  What could be a better way to share Jesus with the rest of the world!

Picture Credit

Happy John 3:16 Day and Pass it on!



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome Baby Uriah Beau and a Few Prayer Requests

Congratulations to Susan on the birth of her new baby boy, Uriah Beau! Uriah was born on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 8:05 AM. He weighed in at 9 pounds even and was 20.5 inches long. This is a Rainbow Baby for Susan! God is So Good! Stop by and tell Susan Congratulations and see the beautiful pictures she just posted of Baby Uriah!

Congratulations Susan! I am so excited for you!

Please remember to keep praying for the 2 ladies on the Pregnancy Prayer list that are due this month. They both have had some difficulties through their pregnancies. Let's pray for Safe and Easy Deliveries and Healthy Babies! You can visit September here and Michelle here.

I have also received  a prayer request for Christina from a friend. She had an ultrasound at 10 weeks and they could not see the baby. Let's please pray for God to intervene in this situation. He is an amazing, miracle working God!  Please keep Christina in your prayers!

Just a reminder, if you are pregnant or know someone who is and would like to be added to the Pregnancy Prayer List, please leave a comment or send me an email. My email address can be found over on the right sidebar. If you have a prayer request that you would prefer not to be listed, please let me know that too!



Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Heart's Prayer

This Scripture has been the Prayer of my Heart Recently.

Picture Credit

The NIV reads:

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Dear Lord, Please help me with my Heart and Mind and Fill my Lips with Words that are pleasing to You!