Friday, February 27, 2009

Flat Stanley

Have you ever heard of a Flat Stanley? Well, I hadn't until recently. A friend from Australia asked if her son could send our family one. Flat Stanley arrived a few days ago and yesterday I took seven of my children out to take pictures with Flat Stanley at several places around town. We are to send the pictures back to David by e-mail and he Journals where Stanley has been. We are to send Flat Stanley on his way to another place for a new adventure.

Here is Flat Stanley before we leave for our visit around town.

Here are the children with Flat Stanley before we leave home.(Flat Stanley is being held by Luke in the middle.)

We stopped at DQ with Flat Stanley. My two oldest sons work here.

Flat Stanley enjoying a Blizzard with us!

And of course a trip to Wal Mart!

These were not our only stops, but as you can see our town is not too exciting. We had a lot of fun getting out with Flat Stanley and the kids got to see sights that were new to them. Later after getting home, there was a story on the news about a Flat Stanley. There was a Flat Stanley in that Airplane that crashed into the Hudson. No worries though, Flat Stanley made it out OK. You can read about it here:

The kids were so excited to hear about a Flat Stanley on the news since we had just spent an afternoon with Flat Stanley! So if you have never heard of a Flat Stanley, now you have! And David, Flat Stanley says "HI! "

Until next time,


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